How To Apply

How to Apply

Click the Link to Download Application Form

Admission Policy

1. Admission package should obtained from the school office for a fee.
2. All forms should be filled and returned as required.
3. Students in Junior Secondary School 1 - 3 are required to cut their hair low except Females in Senior Secondary School 1 - 3.
4. All students in the Boarding House are required to worship at the School Assembly Hall.
5. The doctrines and beliefs of El-Shaddai Covenant Ministries shall be strictly observed and adhered to by all students while in school.
6. Parents are responsible for securing the students academic records from their previous School. All such records are to be forwarded to the school office.
7. On passing the Common Entrance Examination, an interview (to be scheduled by the School Administrator) will be conducted before the final letter of Admission of given.
8. Selection and final acceptance in each case will be at the discretion of the School Management Board. The Board reserves the right to refuse admission or insist without giving reasons, the removal of a child.
9. It is mandatory for students while in school to participate in all prayer meetings/fellowships.


Fees are payable on or before the first day of a term. No refund of school fees paid, is made in respect of absence. A full term's notice of withdrawal of student must be given in writing on the 1st day of the Term's fees. Lateness in payment is not accepted. Fees are fixed by the Governing Board whose right it shall be to increase them at anytime during the academic year. Whenever possible, a term's notice shall be given. A non-refundable deposit fee and development fees are paid upon admission. Development fees are also charged annually. Please note that the school fees are exclusive of these charges, cost of Textbooks, Stationery and Equipment which your child would need. Fees are to be paid to Emmanuel International College, by Bank Draft drawn at any approved bank as stated on the admission letter.